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Guava Cooler Slushy with Boba

Guava Cooler Slushy with Boba

Serves 3-4

We saw a version of this gorgeous slushy recipe on our friend @honeysuckle‘s instagram page and we knew we had to try it with our Guava Cooler Better Booch. It’s the best kind of recipe - the result looks fancy but it was super easy and quick to make. And everyone (including my boys, 5 and 2) loved it!

  • 8 large strawberries (or 10 small ones)
  • ice (as needed)
  • half a can of Guava Cooler
  • a drizzle of honey
  • boba
Add strawberries, ice, Guava Cooler, and honey to a blender. Blend! Add more Guava Cooler or ice as needed. Add boba to glasses, and top with the guava slushy!
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