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Behind the Design With Jeremiah Kille

Behind the Design of Ginger Spice With Jeremiah Kille - Better Booch Kombucha

When Santa Cruz based artist Jeremiah Kille signed on to design the Ginger Spice can, we were elated to say the least! Jeremiah began his career as a custom surfboard builder with strong communal ties to surf & skate culture. His work is both inspired by and investigative of finality. Exploring themes of nature and coexistence, he employs a multitude of stylistic approaches which range from loosely abstracted to highly rendered objects. And his creative vision perfectly translates onto a Better Booch can, if we do say so ourselves.

In a way, it’s validating when someone who’s work we admire wants to collaborate with us. So we couldn’t help but ask why he wanted to partner with us, “To be honest, I love the product. It’s my favorite kombucha drink in the universe” says Jeremiah. 

And aside from liking our booch, Jeremiah connects with us on a deeper level, “I dig the ethos and the core values of sustainability. As an artist I love the overall vibe and esthetic that’s been created. I enjoyed building upon that with this project.”

To us, that’s what it’s all about; finding a deeper thread of connection and creating something entirely unique together. And we’re so excited that we were able to do that, and so much more, with our Ginger Spice collaboration. 

Scroll through to get a behind the scenes peek into the process of designing our first ever Seasonal Artist Series kombucha!

Growing up in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas was the spark that lit the creative flame

For Jeremiah Kille, artistic creativity came early and was inspired by his surroundings. When describing his childhood and how he became interested in art, Jeremiah says, “I grew up in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas near Tahoe. It was a vast area of trees and rivers for me to explore. Having that as a kid allowed for a lot of imagination which I think informed and led to my interest in creating anything and everything. Later, I moved to the suburbs of Sacramento as an early teen and got involved in music and skate culture, that’s when I really started creating. I drew inspiration from skate graphics and culture at that time.”

Rooted in nature, and sculpted by NorCal culture, Jeremiah Kille’s perspective is wholly unique – and that is reflected in his work. 

The journey from surfboard company owner to painter

When asked what compelled him to pursue a career as an artist, Jeremiah Kille explains, “One thing led to the next. As I look back at my choices in life they all informed the next step, which led to a full time art career—it just kind of happened. My previous job was owning and operating my own surfboard company. I shaped and painted boards for my team riders. Painting boards was my introduction to painting.”

And we totally get that. Traveling the world as touring musicians is what led us to where we are today, at Better Booch. For us, when we were in the throes of touring non-stop, we craved a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. So we started Better Booch. Because like Jeremiah said, every choice informs the next step in life – and we’re all about going with that flow. 

Where to find inspiration in a world saturated with the same content

Endlessly scrolling on social media tends to saturate us with the same imagery over and over again. With everything being so digital, we were curious to find out where Jeremiah drew inspiration from outside the digital space. When asked where he goes to get inspired, Jeremiah says, “Spending time outside is huge for me to clear a space so I can go into the studio to create. I’m inspired by human behavior, nature, color, and form. It’s always changing and always a culmination of multiple facets.”

“Spending time outside is huge for me to clear a space so I can go into the studio to create.” –Jeremiah Kille

Finding the balance between being pushed and being supported

The journey of an artist is harrowing. When asked what, or who, was critical to his artistic success, Jeremiah says, “Looking back there’s certainly been a handful of people who largely influenced me on this journey. I had a teacher in college (which I started when I was 30 years old) who told me in a critique, ‘You possibly could be a great artist, but chances are you won’t. Go sit down.’ It seemed harsh and on the spot to me, but that’s the greatest thing another artist has ever told me. The balance of being pushed and supported has been crucial for my success.” 

Turning obstacles into opportunities is never easy, but that’s something kindred we share with Jeremiah. We admire his ability to push through and get creative, even when the going gets tough.

Jeremiah also notes, “My girlfriend has been so incredibly supportive through the thicks and thins of me being an artist.”

The reality of having a career as an artist

We have this vision in our minds that a painter wakes up in the morning, shuffles their way over to a blank canvas, and paints the day away. But like most things, the reality of having a career as an artist is very different. Jeremiah describes it like this, “There’s so many ways it can look. There’s no one single way of doing it, especially in this age of online audiences and shopping. I have a lot of close friends who are full time artists and our careers all look so different. That’s part of what I love about the pursuit, it’s whatever you make it.”

The pursuit is whatever you make it. We like that!

The perfect morning starts with a surf

At Better Booch, we believe that positive daily rituals can help align us for a better and more balanced day. So, we asked Jeremiah what his morning routine looks like and we love the simplicity of it. Of his morning routine, Jeremiah says “These days it is getting up early to make coffee and get a surf in before getting the kids up for their distant learning education. Then into the studio by 10.”


Coffee, Water, Beer, and Better Booch…

They say 3 beverages is the ideal number to keep at your desk and we were dying to know what Jeremiah’s 3 drinks are, so we asked! For his roundup, Jeremiah Kille chooses, “Coffee, Water, Beer, and Better Booch but not in any particular order. I couldn’t limit it to only three.” 


We’ll have what he’s having. 


Looking ahead to the future

So, what’s on the horizon for Jeremiah Kille? Jeremiah tells us, “I have a couple of large murals I’m excited about. I’ve also been working on selling used artist clothes and donating the proceeds to humanitarian or environmental causes. I just launched an instagram page and website I’m really excited about, it’s called Ruins for Reasons.”


Love Jeremiah’s work? Be sure to grab some Ginger Spice before supplies run out and connect with him on one of his channels, below!


Connect with Jeremiah Kille




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