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Fermentation February: How to Make Fire Cider

Fermentation February: How to Make Fire Cider

There are many different cultures in our history that have a version of a strong wellness tonic, and this one is adapted from an old Amish recipe. It has been a game changer in our household this cold and flu season. Be forewarned: it does not taste delicious. But that is kind of the point. And to be honest, I've kind of grown to like the taste over the past few months. 

Fire Cider Recipe:

  • ginger (sliced)
  • jalapeños (sliced)
  • red onion (rough chopped)
  • garlic cloves (smashed & peeled)
  • horseradish (peeled & grated)
  • lemon zest
  • lemon slices
  • orange slices
  • fresh herbs (we used rosemary)
  • apple cider vinegar (we recommend organic, with the "Mother")
  • cinnamon sticks
  • honey


Assemble ingredients (except honey) into a glass jar, and top with apple cider vinegar. Shake well. Keep on the counter for ~3 weeks, shaking once a day. It's a good idea to keep some parchment paper or some wax paper over the top of the glass jar, underneath the lid, just to keep the vinegar away from the metal lid, as it could rust. Change the parchment paper periodically over the course of the fermentation time.

Once it's finished, strain, add honey & store in the fridge! Take a tablespoon at a time whenever you're feeling like you could use an immune boost. 


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